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Moderate, give feedback, and track writing progress

Founded by a former Head of English, Mark My Words improves feedback quality and ensures no student falls through the cracks.

Giving feedback and tracking writing skills can be like digging a tunnel with a spoon - painfully slow and exhausting.


We give you the excavator.

Learns your school's marking style for consistent, fair evaluations

Mark My Words learns to mark like your teachers, reducing discrepancies and making moderation a breeze. 

Mark My Words (St Gregs Onboarding) (3)

Aligns with any unique frameworks at your school 

Develop marking sheets that respect the language of your school. Mark My Words is framework agnostic, deliberately designed to adapt to any school.

marking sheets-1

Tracks every skill, empowering timely interventions

Mark My Words helps you track writing progress across classes, year levels, and even subjects. As you mark the work, we collate the data, guiding you to make timely interventions. 

Analyse class

Delivers personalised, impactful feedback

Writing detailed comments for your students can feel like soul-crushing work. Produce contextual and targeted comments that move the student forward.

detailed feedback

Automatically annotates typed or handwritten work

What is the value of feedback if it's out of context? We make it easy to provide annotated feedback on both typed and handwritten work. 

Annotated work


How would it feel to have a feedback system that gives you actionable data, saves teacher time, and makes moderation easy?