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Efficiently audit any student, class or cohort's writing skills

Completing thorough audits of your students' writing skills is a foundational part of any approach to improving. But whole-cohort audits take a lot of time. 

  • You have full control over the skills or framework

  • You evaluate the student work with our models
  • We provide you with a detailed performance breakdown that highlights the best path forward

Writing audits should be frequent

One-time assessments often provide a rough and inaccurate snapshot of achievement. Measuring skills frequently and across time is the most accurate way to know how you can help a student. 


Writing audits should be specific

Why bother measuring how well a student can execute vague skills like 'ideas' or 'structure'? We need precise details. What exactly about the structure does the class find challenging? What common mistakes do students make that prevent them from fully developing their ideas?

Writing audits should be relevant

Every teacher and school is different. Mark My Words uses pre-trained models to help teachers and schools create personalised automatic assessment systems that perfectly fit their requirements.


Writing audits should lead to intervention

Why assess the abilities of students, classes, or groups if it doesn't lead to improvement? Executing the assessment is merely step one; synthesising and interpreting the data is a whole other challenge. We facilitate both.

A solution for teachers and students